Health Statistics

Local Statistics

26.8% of Amarillo citizens are uninsured or do not have access to health care.

Uninsured in Potter and Randall counties:

32.3% of Potter county residents are uninsured.

21.3% of Randall county residents are uninsured.

State Statistics

In 2013, states with the highest percentage of uninsured residents:
Texas (28.8%), Louisiana (24.0%), Nevada (23.3%), and California (23.2%), Florida (22.8%), Georgia (22.5%), Arkansas (21.9%), Alaska (21.8%), Mississippi (21.7%), Oklahoma (21.4%).

In 2013, states with the lowest percentage of uninsured residents: Massachusetts (4.5%), Vermont (9.2%), Delaware (9.6%), Connecticut (9.9%), Hawaii (10.5%), Minnesota (11.5%), Iowa (11.8%), Wisconsin (11.8%), Pennsylvania (11.8%), Maryland (12.3%).

2010 Uninsured Statistics

The uninsured in the United States is 15.5%.

Medicaid covered 21% of the U.S. population. Qualification is based on both income and categories of eligibility: children, their parents, and disabled individuals.

6 out of 10 of the uninsured came from working families.

40% of the uninsured are from low-income families or low-income individuals.

70% of the nonelderly adult population accounted for nearly 80% of the uninsured.

79% of the uninsured were American citizens.

There was an increase in the number of uninsured, between 2000 and 2003, of 5 million.

Employer-sponsored health insurance of the nonelderly decreased for the first time in 2001 since 1993, the decrease was from 66% in 2000 to 62% (160 million) by 2003.

Blue-collar jobs comprise 80% of uninsured workers.

Children are half of all Medicaid beneficiaries.

In 2004, a family of three with a working full-time parent earning minimum wage could not qualify for Medicaid in 25 states.

Consequences of the Uninsured

In 2011, 47.9% of non-elderly adults without health care coverage nationally, compared with 8.6% of adults with health care coverage, were unable to see a doctor when needed due to cost in the past twelve months.

The uninsured, when hospitalized, are more likely to receive fewer services and to die in the hospital than are insured patients.

Improving overall health having health insurance could reduce mortality rates of the uninsured by 10-15%.

In 2008, the cost of uncompensated care was estimated at $56 billion.